
5 Tips To Supercharge Manufacturer And Retailer Sales Through Artist Relations

Advertisements or promotions using endorsees are seemingly everywhere. Why? Because manufacturers and retailers know that customers pay attention to the people they like or respect.

I’ve seen 1st hand how the right endorsee, partnering with the right company, can be a powerful driver for sales. From 2014- 2016 while working as the Marketing Manager for a major guitar company, we had an endorsement deal with Darryl “Dimebag” Abbott. Darryl is a guitar icon among rock & metal fans and his signature line of guitars played a major role in the financial fortunes of the company, even after his untimely death.

If you work in the music industry, you probably know the term “Artist Relations” – it’s largely been used to describe marketing partnerships with musicians. But with the rise of the internet, “influencers” popular on social media or YouTube have become a powerful factor in driving sales.

It’s a brave new world out there – new opportunities (and challenges) call for fresh perspectives and insights on finding, and working with the people our customers get excited about or follow. If you’re interested in working with endorsees, or want to improve your current Artist Program, here are 5 tips to supercharge manufacturer and retailer sales through Artist Relations.

1. Is even using endorsees at all right for you?

Every situation is unique, but answering these questions will help give you a handle on whether an endorser strategy is right for you:

  • Do you have a budget to pay ambassadors, whether in cash or trade and remain profitable?
  • Does your company have the human resources necessary to manage an artist/influencer program?
  • Do you have a way to fully take advantage of endorser partnerships? (i.e. social media, paid ads, PR, etc.)?

Answering “no” to some (or all) of the questions above may not be a deal breaker, but are important nonetheless to successfully working with endorsees.

2. Ambassador marketing should support overall sales and marketing goals

Some companies make the mistake of separating Artist Relations functions from a company’s overall sales and marketing strategy when it should be just the opposite. Asking a well-known artist to post links about a company’s big sale to their social media accounts could result in new orders. Securing product photos and testimonials from a respected musician could be perfect content for a product page update on a company’s website.

Tying Artist Relations activities closely to overall marketing efforts, can help drive more dollars to the bottom line.

3. Set Goals

I’m a big believer in setting goals – even if I’m unsure about the goal I’ve set. Find numbers or benchmarks that measure success or failure. Goals could tie into the amount of google clicks a particular artist’s ad generates, to the number of views an influencer’s “unboxing” video receives over a defined period of time. The act of creating goals also has the benefit of providing data that aid in setting better future goals.

4. Understand the different types of endorsers

It’s useful to think of the people you might work with as falling into two (2) basic categories; Music Makers (artists, bands, producers, engineers) and Music Shakers (gear reviewers, demo specialists, YouTube celebrities). Understanding the difference and choosing accordingly impacts potential sales.

Let’s take a closer look at both:

  • Artists (and/or bands)
    Artists & bands are among the most common types of endorsees, so what’s most useful here is to look at the “Pros” & “Cons” of each:

    • Pros
      • An exceptionally talented artist is more likely to have fans wanting to emulate their sound by buying the gear they use
      • The large social media following popular artists offer powerful opportunities to reach new customers
      • Nationally known artists often attract press – something you benefit from when your product is featured in photos, articles & interviews
    • Cons
      • Negotiating deals with nationally known artists can be costly
      • Securing photos, videos, etc. from artists can be difficult or time consuming, even when it’s part of the deal
      • The temperamental nature of artists can make working with them challenging (even though that same passion & complexity on the part of artists is often an important aspect of the music they make)
  • Producers/Engineers
    This area is of particular interest to manufacturers because followers & fans of producers and engineers may be more likely to use and buy gear. A benefit to working with partners in this area may be that they’re more accessible and less costly than the nationally known clients they work with.
  • Influencers
    This is an incredibly important category of endorsees to understand given their significant…and growing impact on sales. By “influencer”, I’m referring to people using the internet to connect with fans or an audience. This can include podcasters, video content creators, bloggers…anyone creating content relating to products on the web. You’ll find product images and highlights on platforms like Instagram, Youtube, Tik Tok & Facebook, while YouTube has become the go-to place for “unboxing”, “how to” or “demo” videos.

    With some influencers counting their followers in the hundreds of thousands or even millions, they now represent marketing opportunities that cannot be overlooked (more on this below).

5. Choosing the endorser that’s right for you

Ah, so now for the important part. Who’s best suited for your business?

Here’s how I decide:

  • Given the particular brand or product I’m focusing on, who will most resonate with customers and influence them to buy?
  • Does the potential ambassador “fit” the values of the company they’d be representing?
  • In the area of “influencers” it’s useful to ask employees & customers what artists, youtube channels, influencers they follow. Who do they trust for gear reviews and related info? The people closest to you could offer a gold mine of information about who might be a good fit for your company.
  • Who can I afford? You’re not confined to big, well-known talent or influencers. Sometimes, smaller, regional musicians have real influence in a local market, while product reviewers may only need product loaner which can subsequently be returned.

While the questions above can seem obvious, the answers & insights they provide will help you make an educated decision about the person right for you.

I’ve worked with artists and influencers for a long time, and have seen how endorsees can “supercharge” sales and marketing. Asking yourself the right questions upfront will help you decide if it makes sense for you. Goal setting, using endorsees to support overall sales and marketing, understanding the different types of endorsees and choosing the right one for you are the other ingredients for success.

And if you’ve read this far and are still interested, email (organiksol@gmail) or text (773)793-6667 “Artist Relations” and I’ll send you a template with guidelines for running an Artist Relations Department.

Until next time,


Organiksol Marketing is an accomplished, collaborative & innovative marketing team recognized for driving sales and engagement. Using our experience with musical instrument manufacturers, record labels, non-profits, artists and entrepreneurs, we “speak” the customer’s language like few can. By focusing on their values, likes & dislikes, we implement strategies, campaigns and content that emotionally connects with customers to get results. Read more on What we do.

Organiksol Marketing – we naturally grow business

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